Removal of Husqvarna Automower v1 API compatibility (no longer available since March 1)
Update dependencies
Increased connection timeout as Husqvarna servers seem to take a little longer to respond
Husqvarna Automower v2 API compatibility (will be required from March 1st)
For Husqvarna mowers: add an action command RAZ blade usage which resets the blade usage time.
Update dependencies
Icon update
Jeedom v4.4 required
Update dependencies
Translation of the plugin into English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Debian 11 or higher required
Minor fix
Update dependencies
Important rewrite of the daemon code: it should be even more stable, faster and consume a little fewer resources on average
Add info & action command Default duration on all devices (Gardena & Husqvarna) that have action commands to specify a duration: previously the default duration was hard-coded if not specified when using one of these commands, now the plugin will take the value of this new command Default duration
For Husqvarna mowers: add of Start zone xxx action commands (one per existing zone)
For Husqvarna mowers: add management of exclusion zones. Per zone, an “active/inactive” switch will be created, so 3 commands, one binary info and 2 actions (on/off)
Add an automatic refresh task for Husqvarna mowers supporting the exclusion zones feature
Update of internal dependencies
This version requires the dependencies to be update, in principle this will be done automatically during the update
Fix on dependencies check
Small modification to keep compatibility with Debian 10 => Please plan a migration to Debian 11
Improvement: distinction between the 2 models of Smart Sensor: the image & the list of commands created are adapted according to the model.
Optimizing the size of backups
Descriptions for new error codes for Husqvarna robots have been added
Improve daemon log
Fix the commands Start manual & Back to home for Husqvarna robots: the time received as a command parameter was interpreted in hours instead of minutes
Internal change in dependency management
Fix a demon crash with Husqvarna lawnmowers without GPS module
Change on dependency management to avoid potential conflicts with other plugins
Add statistics info commands for Husqvarna robots (see documentation for the list)
Minor fix: Avoid double restart of the daemon in some cases when socket connection was broken
Update of the presentation of commands for Jeedom v4.3
Fix possible crash of the daemon when renewing the connection
Change on the authentication method due to a change made by Gardena / Husqvarna, it is necessary to redo the configuration of the plugin: the email and the password are no longer necessary, however the secret application is now required.
Fix: action/message commands for Husqvarna robots were not working.
Fix: Remaining Time info command for Husqvarna robots never updated.
Updating info for Husqvarna robots in real time and therefore removing the update cron which is no longer necessary. There is therefore no longer a limit on the number of updates.
Add the following commands for Husqvarna robots:
Height of cut allowing to know and define the height of cut
Headlight allowing to know and define the lighting mode of the headlights
Last report time and Next departure time
Schedule restriction giving the reason for the exception on normal schedule
Positions containing the history of the last 50 positions of the robot (the commands Last position, Latitude and Longitude still exist and indicate the last known position)
Addition of a widget for displaying the history of positions on a map to be applied to the Positions command (see documentation) (contribution from @t0urista)
Fix dependency check
Minor layout changes to configuration screens
Add 3 commands giving the GPS position on the Husqvarna mower: Latitude, Longitude and Position
Update dependencies: this update requires reinstalling dependencies: this should be done automatically when updating the plugin.
Add command Remaining time on Gardena Smart Mower
Add info command ** Remaining time ** for Husqvarna Automower (calculated internally by the plugin) only when using the commands Start manual mode or Back to base
Add table display mode of the list of device for Jeedom 4.2
Added a configurable cron for updating Husqvarna Automowers in the plugin configuration.
Added the possibility of selecting pause time (in minutes) in command Pause schedule. To have this option, you must delete the existing command on the device (do not delete the device), save and then use the function *Create missing commands * so that the command is recreated with the correct configuration. The scenarios will have to be adapted with the new command.
Improved layout of device and commands configuration pages
Fixed an issue with the Smart Irrigation Control that prevented the daemon from starting correctly
Increase of the maximum time limit (from 1 hour to 6 hours) for manual starting of Gardena Mowers.
Add Last error command on Gardena Smart Socket, Water Control and Irrigation Control: Please use the Create missing commands button on the device page to add it
Add info Last error in health page
Fix an issue on daemon start with Husqvarna Automower
Add command Last error on Gardena Smart Mower
Delete command “Remaining time” on Gardena Smart Mower because the information is not available
Fixed an issue with update of the value of the Gardena Smart Mower “Activity” command
Fix an incorrect image link in the Gardena Smart Mower configuration page
Improvement of the reconnection process in the event of network failure or API disconnection by Gardena