

Plugin to integrate all devices from Gardena Smart System (Water Control, sensor, irrigation control, power socket and Sileno mower) as well as Husqvarna Automower Connect robots. It is possible to access device data, monitor them and perform actions (depending on the device, see below for more details)


Whatever the device (Gardena and Husqvarna) you need internet connectivity. This plugin will not work with any other local connection technology, such as, but not only, bluetooth.

Supported versions

Component Version
Debian Bullseye(11) & Bookworm(12)
Jeedom >= 4.4


In order to use the plugin, you must download, install and activate it like any Jeedom plugin.


If you tried to install the “Gardena Smart System” plugin, it is necessary to deactivate it before activating this one. Indeed, a problem in the “Gardena Smart System” plugin creates a conflict with this plugin which risks making Jeedom unavailable. This problem must be solved in the other plugin, it is unfortunately impossible for me to avoid it.

Plugin configuration

In the configuration of the plugin, you will need to enter the application key and the application secret allowing access to the APIs. You must also select the APIs you want to activate from the 2 possible options (both can be activated at the same time):

  • Gardena Smart System
  • Husqvarna Automower

You will find more information directly available on the plugin configuration page.

Device synchronization and configuration

As soon as the plugin configuration is complete and correct, the plugin will synchronize the devices according to the activated API. It will create the missing devices with their commands and update the commands of all connected devices.

The commands of all devices, whether from the Gardena Smart System range or Husqvarna robots, will be updated in real time, so there is no additional configuration to do.

A Refresh command exists to request an additional manual refresh for Husqvarna Automower robotic lawnmowers but this is normally not necessary as any status change will be updated in real time. Attention there is a limit of 10,000 updates per month for manual updates, this limit is imposed by Husqvarna.


The plugin will never delete a device in your Jeedom. If a jeedom device does not correspond to any appliance in your possession, please delete it manually.

In the device configuration page, there is a button to create the missing commands on it (in case you have deleted a command by mistake for example).

Devices and commands

Common commands to all Gardena Smart System appliances

Each Gardena Smart System device has the following commands:

  • Battery gives the battery charge level (if applicable) in percent
  • Battery status gives a description of the battery status: OK, LOW, REPLACE_NOW, OUT_OF_OPERATION, CHARGING, NO_BATTERY, UNKNOWN
  • Connection level gives the connection level with the gateway in percent
  • Connection state gives a description of the connection state: ONLINE, OFFLINE, UNKNOWN

Gardena Smart Sensor

  • Temperature indicates the ambient temperature
  • Brightness indicates brightness in lux
  • Soil moisture indicates the percentage of soil moisture
  • Soil temperature indicates the soil temperature

Gardena Smart Water Control

  • Health indicates the general condition of the valve: OK, WARNING, ERROR, UNAVAILABLE
  • Last error gives the last error if any, only valid if the command Health has the value WARNING or ERROR (see below for a list of possible values)
  • Activity indicates the current activity: CLOSED, MANUAL_WATERING, SCHEDULED_WATERING
  • Status binary info command indicating whether the valve is open or closed
  • Start action command to start watering, needing the number of minutes (full) of watering in parameter
  • Stop action command to stop watering
  • Remaining time info command giving the remaining time (in minutes) when watering is in progress
  • Pause schedule action command requesting the number of minutes in parameter
  • Resume schedule action command

Gardena Smart Power Socket

  • Health indicates the general condition of the power socket: OK, WARNING, ERROR, UNAVAILABLE
  • Last error gives the last error if any, only valid if the command Health has the value WARNING or ERROR; can have the value: TIMER_CANCELLED, UNKNOWN
  • On action command to switch on the power socket
  • Off action command to switch off the power socket
  • On timer command action to switch on the power socket with auto switch off after x (whole) minutes passed as an option of the command
  • Activity indicates the current activity: OFF, FOREVER_ON, TIME_LIMITED_ON, SCHEDULED_ON
  • Status binary info command indicating whether the power socket is switch on or off
  • Remaining time info command giving the remaining time of the timer (if applicable)
  • Pause schedule action command requesting the number of minutes in parameter
  • Resume schedule action command

Gardena Smart Mower

  • Health indicates the general condition of mower: OK, WARNING, ERROR, UNAVAILABLE
  • Active binary command indicating whether the mower is active or not; it will be indicated as active during these activities: OK_CUTTING, OK_CUTTING_TIMER_OVERRIDDEN, OK_SEARCHING, OK_LEAVING, OK_CHARGING
  • Last error gives the last error if any, only valid if the command Health has the value WARNING or ERROR (see below for a list of possible values)
  • Operating hours info command giving the number of operating hours
  • Remaining time info command giving the remaining time of the timer (if applicable)
  • Start mode manual action command to start in manual mode needing number of minute of activity in option
  • Start mode auto action command to start in auto mode (depending on the schedule)
  • Cancel and go back to charging station action command, the mower will start at next schedule
  • Stop and go back to charging station action command, the mower will ignore next schedule

Gardena Smart Irrigation Control

The device can control up to 6 24v valves. It has the following commands:

  • Controller health indicates the general condition of controller: OK, WARNING, ERROR, UNAVAILABLE
  • Last error gives the last error if any, only valid if the command Health has the value WARNING or ERROR (see below for a list of possible values)
  • Stop all valves allows you to stop watering all valves in one command, watering will resume at the next schedule

As well as the following commands for each of the valves (where X will therefore have a value from 1 to 6):

  • Activity valve X indicates the current activity: CLOSED, MANUAL_WATERING, SCHEDULED_WATERING
  • Status valve X binary info command indicating whether the valve is open or closed
  • Health valve X indicates the general condition of the power socket: OK, WARNING, ERROR, UNAVAILABLE
  • Start valve X action command to start watering, needing the number of minutes (full) of watering in parameter
  • Stop valve X action command to stop watering
  • Remaining time valve X info command giving the remaining time (in minutes) when watering is in progress
  • Pause schedule valve X action command requesting the number of minutes in parameter
  • Resume schedule valve X action command

Husqvarna Automower

  • Connected binary info command indicating if the mower is connected
  • Battery gives the battery charge level (if applicable) in percent
  • Mode will have one of the following values: MAIN_AREA, DEMO, SECONDARY_AREA, HOME, UNKNOWN (see below for a description of the values)
  • State will have one of the following values: UNKNOWN, NOT_APPLICABLE, PAUSED, IN_OPERATION, WAIT_UPDATING, WAIT_POWER_UP, RESTRICTED, OFF, STOPPED, ERROR, FATAL_ERROR, ERROR_AT_POWER_UP (see below for a description of the values)
  • Activity will have one of the following values: UNKNOWN, NOT_APPLICABLE, MOWING, GOING_HOME, CHARGING, LEAVING, PARKED_IN_CS, STOPPED_IN_GARDEN (see below for a description of the values)
  • Latitude info command giving latitude of last position
  • Longitude info command giving longitude of last position
  • Last position info command giving last GPS position in format latitude,longitude
  • Positions containing the history of the last 50 positions of the robot in the format position1,position2,position3,…
  • Cutting height and Cutting height adjustment to know and define the cutting height (between 1 and 9)
  • Headlight and Headlight adjustment allowing to know and define the lighting mode of the headlights, possible values: ALWAYS_ON, ALWAYS_OFF, EVENING_ONLY, EVENING_AND_NIGHT
  • Last report time and Next start time the values are timestamp in milliseconds (for easier use in a scenario) and will be displayed in date/time format on the widget
  • Schedule restriction giving the reason for the exception on normal schedule
  • Error code & Error description gives the code and description of the error if applicable
  • Remaining time info command giving the remaining time of activity; valid only after having used commands Start manual mode or Return to base
  • Start mode manual Starts and mows the grass for the time (in minutes) given as an option on the command
  • Pause
  • Resume Resume schedule
  • Return to base Return to the charging station for the number of minutes given as an option of the command, then resume schedule
  • Cancel and go back to charging station action command, the mower will start at next schedule
  • Stop and go back to charging station action command, the mower will ignore next schedule
  • Blade use time numeric info command
  • Charge cycle numeric info command
  • Collisions numeric info command
  • Total charging time numeric info command
  • Total mowing time numeric info command
  • Total working time numeric info command
  • Total search time numeric info command

Positions widget

The plugin provides a Positions widget to be applied to the Positions command of Husqvarna mowers (Gardena mowers do not yet have a GPS location).

For the widget to work well you must perform the following configurations:

  1. In the advanced configuration of the Positions command, View tab, select the Gardena/Positions widget:

Advance configuration

  1. Take a snapshot of the mowing area (on Google Maps for example), name the file home.png for example and then copy the image to the plugins/gardena/data/ folder on your Jeedom (via the file explorer integrated into Jeedom for example)
  2. Identify the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the lower left corner and the upper right corner of the area corresponding to the capture.
  3. Enter the coordinates taken above in the list of Widget Parameters: latMin, longMin, latMax and longMax are mandatory. If you have named your file other than home.png or if you want to test another capture, encode the file name in the imgFile parameter
  4. The other parameters are optional:

Widget configuration

Save and you should see the mini-map with position history on the widget:



Description of errors for Gardena Smart System valves (Water Control or Irrigation Control)

  • NO_MESSAGE - No error
  • CONCURRENT_LIMIT_REACHED - Valve cannot be opened, a maximum of 2 valves can be opened at the same time
  • NOT_CONNECTED - No valve connected

Description of Gardena Smart Mower errors

  • NO_MESSAGE - No error
  • WRONG_PIN_CODE - Wrong pin code
  • UPSIDE_DOWN - Upside down.
  • EMPTY_BATTERY - Empty battery
  • NO_DRIVE - No drive
  • TEMPORARILY_LIFTED - Temporary lifted
  • UNINITIALISED - Unknown status

Description of Gardena Smart Irrigation Control errors

  • NO_MESSAGE - No error
  • VOLTAGE_DROP - Voltage drop (VDD_IN)

Mode description of Husqvarna Automower

  • MAIN_AREA - Mower will mow until low battery. Go home and charge. Leave and continue mowing. Week schedule is used. Schedule can be overridden with forced park or forced mowing.
  • DEMO - Same as MAIN_AREA, but shorter times. No blade operation.
  • SECONDARY_AREA - Mower is in secondary area. Schedule is overridden with forced park or forced mowing. Mower will mow for request time or until the battery runs out.
  • HOME - Mower goes home and parks forever. Week schedule is not used. Cannot be overridden with forced mowing.

Status description of Husqvarna Automower

  • PAUSED - Mower has been paused by user.
  • IN_OPERATION - See value in Activity for status.
  • WAIT_UPDATING - Mower is downloading new firmware.
  • WAIT_POWER_UP - Mower is performing power up tests.
  • RESTRICTED - Mower can currently not mow due to week calender, or override park.
  • OFF - Mower is turned off.
  • STOPPED - Mower is stopped and requires manual action.
  • ERROR, FATAL_ERROR, ERROR_AT_POWER_UP - An error has occurred, check value of Error. Mower requires manual action.

Activity description of Husqvarna Automower

  • MOWING - Mower is mowing lawn. If in demo mode the blades are not in operation.
  • GOING_HOME - Mower is going home to the charging station.
  • CHARGING - Mower is charging in station due to low battery.
  • LEAVING - Mower is leaving the charging station.
  • PARKED_IN_CS - Mower is parked in charging station.
  • STOPPED_IN_GARDEN - Mower has stopped. Needs manual action to resume.
  • NOT_APPLICABLE - Manuel action needed.


See the changelog


If you have a problem, start by reading the latest plugin-related topics on community.

If despite this you do not find an answer to your question, do not hesitate to create a new topic, with the tag of the plugin (plugin-gardena).

At a minimum, you will need to provide:

  • a screenshot of the Jeedom health page
  • a screenshot of the plugin’s configuration page
  • all available plugin logs pasted into a Preformatted Text (button </> on community), no files!
  • depending on the case, a screenshot of the error encountered, a screenshot of the configuration causing the problem…