Adaptation of the mqtt clientID as “prefix-[random ID]” for easier monitoring
Improved automatic naming of commands when not defined in configuration: the name should be shorter
Modification to equipment image management
Management of model_id to correctly retrieve device images under zigbee2mqtt 2.x
Invert behaviour of the Visible property on controls: now most commands are not visible by default when created, you must check Visible to display them on the widget.
Update dependencies
Minor fix on the management of discovered topics
Fix an error when creating command action if several commands have the same name
Support of Climate / HVAC type
Added “schema json” support for the light type: supports bulbs with brightness variation, color temperature, color selection, effects, transitions.
Add Status, On and Off commands to the light type using the default schema.
Fix on info commands for type vacuum.
Fix on the creation of list commands that did not contain the list of options in some cases
Fix on EMS-ESP integration due to a mix of 2 different syntax not supported by the plugin
Translation of the plugin into English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Update dependencies
Icon update
Jeedom v4.4 required
Adding the vacuum type
Fixed a problem with some device images not being displayed
Update dependencies
Improved: creation of equipment commands after addition is immediate, no need to restart the daemon
Improvement: last module name taken into account during discovery (useful if the name is changed after inclusion, for example).
Improved: images of all zigbee modules (zigbee2mqtt compatible) will be automatically retrieved by the plugin.
Add a button to open the module configuration if the url is provided in the discovery information (e.g. to the module config on zigbee2mqtt, to omg)
fix of update type for zigbee devices (via zigbee2mqtt)
Fix of type device_automation / device trigger; it is necessary to delete the corresponding commands and restart the daemon to recreate them correctly.
Fix on dependencies check
Update dependencies
Internal modification of daemon
Optimizing the size of backups
Add of the image of some zigbee modules
select type support (action/list command)
device_automation type support
music_player type support (to support sonos2mqtt gateway)
Add Open, Close and Stop commands to the cover type (shutter, blind, curtain…).
Improvement: command info whose unit is % will have their minimum and maximum values set to 0 and 100 by default.
Add image for zigbee modules Sonoff occupancy sensor (SNZB-06P) and Aqara curtain driver E1 (ZNCLBL01LM).
Add a button to purge all discovered devices from the list and from the MQTT broker (not created devices, of course).
Add a button to remove unknown devices from the list
Removal of the “Duplicate” device button that had no reason to exist
New version of the dependencies (paho-mqtt 2.0) and adaptation of the daemon accordingly
Fix on discovering a Lock component when it has no defined name
Fix action oncover on some devices
Reduce unnecessary logs
Add button to permanently delete discovered device, including on the MQTT broker
Fix: some “off” commands did not work properly because their configuration was saved incorrectly (this depended on the payload of the command)
Add images of different devices models
Add the default generic type configuration on the command (when possible)
Add the update of the status of the battery of the device in the core (when possible)
Add default icons on commands based on the generic type
Add the possibility of managing presence on Bluetooth devices that are not decoded (and therefore not visible in discovered devices)
Add the possibility to define a custom model name and therefore a custom image for each device (after changing the name of the device model)
Fix: update the temperature info commands for Bluetooth device when the command was discovered by OMG (if discovered by Theengs Gateway it worked correctly)
Support lock type for lock management (e.g. Nuki)
Add a default image for the Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 Pro
Filters the types of files accepted by the plugin when selecting an image to send for a device model
Fix on the “Configuration” button in the discovered devices screen
Improvement in the parsing of configurations for certain device (support for the “base topic” if declared)
Change in presence management: rssi commands will be forced to -200 if no more update of the command (after the configured time limit)
Setting the min & max for rssi commands
Logs reorganization
Minor fix on the creation process during automatic discovery
Add a rssi command by gateway providing the info. The main rssi command maintains the current behavior: it is the last value received on all antennas and presence management is based on this value
Internal reorganization of the code which should be completely transparent
Added a button in the device configuration page to see the raw configuration of the device as well as a button to easily copy it to share it with me if necessary
Reorganization of plugin data: in principle the custom images have been moved to the desired location, if not, please create a post on Community
Behavior change for the cover type (panes for example): creation of open/close/stop commands even if there is no status feedback
Change the visibility and the default template on creation of some commands
Support for the type update which allows you to have info commands Installed version, Latest version and a Firmware Update action command to start updating the hardware for devices supporting this feature (for example OMG)
device_tracker support for compatibility with “Tiles”
Add filters to the manual addition of device window to allow searching
Add possibility of having custom images on devices (one image per model)
Add the identifier, manufacturer and model of the device in the configuration page
Addition of a new function listing all devices discovered but not yet created, with the possibility of adding them one by one to without having to activate automatic creation
Add a notification on the device page when new device has been discovered
Fix a parsing bug on some devices
Add a configuration to disable the automatic creation of discovered devices
Add the alarm_control_panel type
MQTT Manager (mqtt2) is no longer a prerequisite (you must have an mqtt broker installed, either by you or via any other Jeedom plugin). If MQTT Manager (mqtt2) is installed, the broker configuration is semi-automatic.
Implementation of an MQTT client dedicated to the plugin to improve performance and flexibility; the plugin now has a daemon
Add the cover type
Modification & improvement of the plugin configuration page