Fix to stop trying to create resources without a name (this can happen as a result of a problem on your Proxmox servers).
Reduced timeouts for Proxmox requests
Fix an error when one of the nodes in a cluster is disconnected (in the case of an installation with multiple nodes).
Update dependencies
Icon update
Jeedom v4.4 required
Update dependencies
Translation of the plugin into English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Debian 11 or higher required
The Active check box is now read-only because it is updated during synchronization
Fix for Debian 12 if the Proxmox configuration is incorrect and therefore the plugin does not have access to all the information it is trying to access
Update dependencies
Add a Delete snapshot command on VM and LXC
Change to the naming of storage type equipment to avoid conflicts when used with a cluster of nodes.
The Device name field is now read-only because the device name is defined by the synchronization process and therefore cannot be modified.
Add info commands Number of tasks in error andErrors on the Node devices; the number of hours to take into account for verification is configured per device.
Improve password fields
Compatibility Jeedom v4.4
Add links to documentation in beta
Update of the presentation of commands for Jeedom v4.3
Update of internal libraries
Improvement: possibility to configure a list of IPs, separated by a comma, in the plugin config (to different nodes of the same cluster) to ensure resilience
Minor layout changes to configuration screens
Add an info command Node on VM and LXC which returns the node on which the VM is running (useful if you have several nodes in the cluster)
Add a Restart (reboot) command that will do a clean reboot of VMs, the Restart immediately (reset) command still exists.
Add a panel and redesign of the health page. You must activate the panel in the plugin configuration.
Organization of resources by node;
Sorting of resources (same order as in Proxmox: LXC, VM, storage);
Possibility to execute actions ((re)Start, Pause, Stop …) on VMs and LXC from the panel;
Add more config information on LXCs
Add info commands on nodes giving the number of VM/LXC started and stopped (See documentation)
Add table display mode of the list of device for Jeedom 4.2
Improvement: Devices which are VM and LXC templates have a different icon to identify them more easily
Improvement: move synchronization process to daemon to be able to increase the refresh rate, this can be configured in the plugin configuration.
Improvement: The Updates Available command is now an info/numeric command instead of info/binary as it should have been from the start, please check your scenarios.
Various interface improvements
minor bugfixes
Added a configuration on the plugin to define the default parent object that will be used when creating a new resource, this will prevent you from having to systematically do it by hand.
New presentation of objects list
Improved layout of device and commands configuration pages
Update of the plugin icon to match the Jeedom standard
Add an icon for each type of Proxmox resource for greater clarity
During synchronization, the plugin will automatically activate and deactivate Jeedom devices corresponding to Proxmox resources depending on whether they exist or not in order to facilitate management and provide more clarity.
Add an accordion menu in the devices page
Add support for Zstandard compression mode (zstd) in backup options, requires Proxmox 6.2
Move documentations
Add Restart command on VM
Add commands Start all and Shutdown all on the nodes
Add commands Shutdown the node and Reboot the node
Add commands Suspend and Resume on VMs and LXCs
Added a specific health page listing an overview of all Proxmox resources
Added a field to enter a description (optional) when taking a snapshot. If you have scenarios using this command please check them.
Add snapshot list command on VM and LXC
Added a command giving the percentage of usage for memory, disk and swap on all devices
remove vmid and node commands on all devices
Fixed: status paused is correctly specified on a VM or a container on pause
Fix: It is now possible to rename the device in Jeedom with a different name than the one in Proxmox
Added configuration information on VMs (agent, processors, memory, network)
Added IPv4, IPv6 and MAC address information commands on VMs
Adding the PVE version on the node configuration page
Added commands giving the average load of the node
Addition of a command giving swap usage
Added a binary command indicating if updates are available on the node
Added more information on storage device
Added a Backup command for VMs (check documentation for all options)
Fix an (non-blocking) error when starting and stopping the plugin
Add translation for en_US
Added more information on nodes
Added a Refresh command on nodes
Added support for linux containers (LXC)
Added a command to take a snapshot on VM and LXC
Added a Start, Shutdown and Stop immediately command on VM and LXC (see documentation)
Added a Refresh command on VM and LXC
Fixed problem connecting to Proxmox when the certificate is invalid