Translation of the plugin into English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Better validation of sunrise & sunset dates
fix a problem with the command Update date
Added battery charge percentage on “Power & Flow” device
Changed default operating hours (if no configuration was done): previously from 4h00 to 22h00 and now from 0h00 to 23h59. You can adapt the configuration of the plugin if necessary
Manage case of multiple inverters in site details view
Update of the presentation of commands for Jeedom v4.3
New presentation of objects list
Improved layout of device and commands configuration pages
Cleanup of the layout for V4
Move documentations
Ajout de vérification sur les valeurs configurées erronées pour éviter des erreurs
Optimisations mineures.
Add support of Jeedom V4 and PHP 7.3
Adapt device config layout to Jeedom 3.3 standard
Added option for the cron: dynamic management (as before), fixed value or deactivated.
Change to a cron dedicated to the plugin
Dynamically calculating the cron frequency based on sunrise and sunset times to maximize the number of runs without exceeding the allowed limit of 300 queries per day
Added a retry in case of a technical error with the Solaredge API
Add an option to choose the type of information to retrieve
Addition units on device command
Displaying the information about the inverter in the device page
Added an option to retrieve energy details: consumption, self-consumption, purchase and sale (if available in your installation)