Translation of the plugin into English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Debian 11 or higher required
Add additional temperature information commands for device with more than one temperature probe (e.g. combined devices)
Internal change in dependency management for compatibility with Jeedom v4.4
Update dependencies
Update of the presentation of commands for Jeedom v4.3
Fixed a crash when synchronizing consumption information due to a change in behavior of the Miele@Home API
Add commands Water consumption and Energy consumption commands on appliances supporting this functionality (see documentation), you must create the missing commands on the device if you wish to have these new commands
Add commands Set ventilation step and Set colors on hood
Add commands Power on and Power off on appliances supporting this functionality (you must create the missing commands on the device if you wish to have these new commands)
Fix due to a change in the Miele@Home API behavior
Update Miele@Home API
Add an info command Program name which will return the name of the current program on devices supporting this functionality (you must create the missing commands on the device if you wish to have this new command)
Change authentication mechanism to improve security
New presentation of objects list in device configuration
Improved layout of device and commands configuration pages
Add table display mode of the list of device for Jeedom 4.2
Cleanup of the layout for V4
Fix a dependency issue on Jeedom Smart
Add authentication status and connection management in plugin configuration
Add plugin health summary in Jeedom health page
Added a specific health page listing an overview of all appliances