- Internal modification of daemon
- Modification of configuration saving to avoid potential duplicates if your robot doesn’t have a fixed IP address.
- Addition of a “local” method for discovering robots in addition to the existing method via the cloud (robots are still controlled locally afterwards)
- Adaptation of the mqtt clientID as “prefix-[random ID]” for easier monitoring
- Update dependencies
- Update dependencies
- Icon update
- Jeedom v4.4 required
- Update dependencies
- Translation of the plugin into English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
- Debian 11 or higher required
- Internal modification of daemon
- Update dependencies
- Update dependencies
- Update minimum python version for Debian 12 compatibility. An installation of the dependencies will be required if you still have Debian 10.
- Fix on dependencies check
- Optimizing the size of backups
- Add of Activate child safety and Deactivate child safety commands
- Minor fix of an error on daemon disconnection
- New version of the dependencies (paho-mqtt 2.0) and adaptation of the daemon accordingly
- Update region/part commands in the event that card IDs are changed by iRobot. When this happens, you must restart a room cleaning manual for the plugin to update the command.
- Add clean by room
- Add the following info commands to Braava: Wipe type, Cover open, Tank present, Tank Level
- Add commands to configure cleaning preferences (on compatible model, tested on Braava jet m6):
- Liquid quantity by default: Eco, Standard, Ultra
- Overlap of the default wash path: Somewhat, More, A lot
- Improvement: the daemon will no longer connect to robots whose corresponding device is disabled in Jeedom
- Clean up code and remove unnecessary dependencies
- Compatibility Jeedom v4.4
- Fix demon crash if the robot name contained a special character
- Minor fixes & optimizations
It is necessary to relaunch the installation of the dependencies after the installation of this update even if they are already OK.
After the installation of this new version, you will have to redo a discovery of your robots (see documentation) and a new device will be created for each robot.
Use the new tools present on Jeedom v4.3 to migrate your commands or do it manually then the old device can be deleted, it will no longer be used.
- Pickup of the plugin development by @Mips and complete redesign of the plugin, see for more details
- Jeedom v4.2 required
- MQTT Manager plugin (MQTT2) required
- Implementation of a daemon to keep the connection with the robot
- Communication via MQTT between the daemon and Jeedom
- Auto discover and configure robots (iRobot cloud access required during configuration)
- Update of the presentation of commands for Jeedom v4.3
- Add a button to create missing commands according to the configuration (done automatically during the plugin update)
- Add Drain command (only works on compatible models)
- Add Tank info command (only works on compatible scrubber models)
- Add info commands: Number of cleaning tasks, Number of successful tasks, Number of failed tasks, Number of automatic dumps, Number of dirt detections, Number of blocks, Number of canceled tasks
- Added Error and Child safety info commands
2020-05-24 by @vedrine
- New icons for states by @kiboost.
2020-05-23 by @vedrine
- New states hmMidMsn (Recharging needed) and hmPostMsn (task completed)
2019-09-21 by @vedrine
- Switching to Python 3
- Fixed issue in translations
- New bash script for installing dependencies
- Templates for Jeedom V4
- Jeedom V3 and V4 compatibility
2019-08-13 by @vedrine
- Compatibility php 7.3 and font awesome 5
- Minimum version of Jeedom required: 3.3
See documentation