

Plugin to automatically change the background image of your design according to the weather. Weather as well as sunrise and sunset information will be obtained either from the official Weather plugin (automatic integration) or from commands of your choice with manual configuration.

Supported versions

Component Version
Debian Bullseye(11) & Bookworm(12)
Jeedom >= 4.2


In order to use the plugin, you must download, install and activate it like any Jeedom plugin. You will also need to install and configure the official weather plugin if you want to use the automatic integration.

There is no configuration to perform at the plugin level.

Devices configuration

The plugin is in the Plugins → Weather menu.

After creating new device, the usual options are available.

Select the designs for which you want to change the background image according to weather conditions.

It is necessary to provide info commands that will give the time of sunrise and sunset in Jeedom (HHMM) format, and to encode the conditions for each weather situation so that the plugin can deduce the background image to use.

Background images are customizable via the device configuration screen.

Device activation

As soon as the configuration is done, you can activate the device and save it. Selected designs will be immediately updated and this each time weather condition change and at sunrise and sunset. No other action or scenario is needed.


The device has a Refresh command to update manually the selected designs. In normal condition, this command should never be used, background images will be automatically updated whenever is needed.

A info command Condition give the last weather condition calculated which will be one of the following value: Mist, Snow, Cloud, Storm, Rain, Sun, Wind, Default.

An info command ** Phase of the day ** having one of the following values: Day, Night depending on the current phase of the day which was used by the plugin to choose the image.


See the changelog


If you have a problem, start by reading the latest plugin-related topics on community.

If despite this you do not find an answer to your question, do not hesitate to create a new topic, with the tag of the plugin (plugin-designImgSwitch).

At a minimum, you will need to provide:

  • a screenshot of the Jeedom health page
  • a screenshot of the plugin’s configuration page
  • all available plugin logs pasted into a Preformatted Text (button </> on community), no files!
  • depending on the case, a screenshot of the error encountered, a screenshot of the configuration causing the problem…