Fix data decoding for compatibility with Swiss counters
Addition of codes 1.6.0 (maximum average power withdrawn over a quarter of an hour since the start of the month) & 2.6.0 (maximum average power injected over a quarter of an hour since the start of the month), the latter information will not be present for everyone, depending on whether the meter provides it or not.
Migrating the PHP daemon to a Python daemon to improve performance
Adding an internal heartbeat to the daemon
Update dependencies
Icon update
Update dependencies
Jeedom v4.4 required
Update dependencies
Translation of the plugin into English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Update dependencies
Addition of a Status command giving the status of the connection with the module
Removing the plugin cron during uninstallation
Add power consumed and injected per phase
Allows the modification of command subtypes to allow the configuration of a “calculation formula” (requires core >=4.4)